Shocap Entertainment collaborates IN OFF BROADWAY PRODUCTION, The Orchard

Shocap’s Athomas Goldberg brings industry expertise to support the production of Igor Golyak’s hybrid play.

Experience The Orchard in person in NYC or online from anywhere in the world.

The Orchard — Live & In-Person at Baryshnikov Arts Center, New York

The Orchard is an intimate, fully staged live performance of The Cherry Orchard as translated by Carol Rocamora and adapted by Golyak. An international team of collaborators, spanning theater, gaming, film, robotics, and emerging technologies, was assembled to create the world of The Orchard.  Audiences in the theater will enter an immersive, dreamlike environment where perceptions, illusions, and reality collide as a family in crisis tries to process their uncertain future.

The Orchard Virtual Experience — Live Online, Streaming Worldwide 

The virtual experience online invites audiences on a journey through a beautifully rendered, three dimensional virtual property that has been abandoned and is in foreclosure.  There, audiences can explore and discover magical rooms where they uncover echoes of a past life, now lost, including Chekhov's letters, memories, and ultimately the play, live, in progress at the Baryshnikov Arts Center.

The in-person and online versions will run concurrently - live - for each performance.  

Partway through the performances, the two versions intersect and the worlds come together.

More on The Orchard and the Creative Team


LiViCi Carry Me Home Hybrid XR Circus


4-Audience Presentation